The Legend of Korra

korra-dark-into-light-2x1The Legend of Korra, created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino, has just started it’s highly anticipated second season with an hour long premiere. The very successful spin off of The Avatar: The Last Airbender begins with unbalanced spirits, tension between long standing characters, and beautiful images that immerse you into the steampunk world of bending. It’s all been set up so far, introducing new characters and conflicts, but it all left me in anticipation for what has the potential to be an awesome new story arch. It’s worth a watch and, honestly, I couldn’t be more excited about this epic American anime. You can watch The Legend of Korra on Nickelodeon on Friday nights at 7 and, if you missed it, you can check out the premiere here

legend of korra

3 responses to “The Legend of Korra

  1. Hey, the premiere left me feeling the say way as well~ funny enough I mentioned it in a post on my blog~ maybe you could check it out


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